Undergraduate Researchers Present at CAPWIC and SIEDS 2024

Passive Haptic Learning at SIEDS 2024

Megan Caulfield presented the results of her honors thesis, "Braille Learning using Haptic Feedback" at the 2024 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Sympossium on May 3rd at the University of Virginia. Her research examined the effectiveness of haptic feedback when learning to read and write braille which is motivated by the challenges of sighted parents and teachers learning braille to suppor their visually impaired children and students. She was advised by myself, Laura Deportes (Education), and Daniel Castaneda (Engineering). A special thanks also to the Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind for allowing us to tour their facilities.

This was my final year as the General Chair for SIEDS and I look forward to the continued growth of the conference in the coming years.

Flash Talks at CAPWIC 2024

Two new members of the Wearable Computing Group, Julia Larson (Engineering) and Abby Ensogna (Computer Science), presented initial efforts on their work at the ACM Capitol Region Celebration of Women in Computing (CAPWIC).

Julia's talk entitled, "Design of a Wearable Coaching System for Shoulder Rehabilitation" discussed her preliminar results extending the research group's haptic feedback system from two-dimensional motion into additional degrees of freedom to support shoulder and upper-arm rehabilitation. Abby described the pressing challenge in labeling human-activity data in her talk, "Labelling Data in the Field of Wearable Computing". Her real-time labeling tool for human motions will help the lab more effectively collection data in field user studies.

The day was extra special as I was able to work with students and faculty across the region in my role as Program Chair. I'm grateful to be supported by the General Chairs, Robbie Hott and Nada Bassit, from the University of Virginia.

Jason Forsyth
Associate Professor of Engineering

Jason Forsyth is an Associate Professor of Engineering at James Madison University. His major research interests are in wearable/ubiquitous computing and engineering education. His current research interests focus on on-body human activity recognition and interactive machine learning for physical therapy patients and practitioners to increase exercise adherence and clinical evaluation.